The signs of heightened awareness (or inner awakening or maturity) in a person reveal a better understanding of themselves, others and their environment. These traits often reflect work on oneself, philosophical, spiritual or emotional reflection, and open-mindedness. Here are some key indicators:
1. In-depth self-awareness:
Understanding one’s motivations: The person identifies the unconscious drivers (fears, wounds, social conditioning) behind their choices.
Acknowledging their shadows: They accept their vulnerabilities, wounds and past behaviours without excessive judgement.
Meditation or introspection: Practising activities to observe thoughts and emotions without identifying with them.
2. Emotional maturity:
Managing emotions: Remains calm in stressful situations and avoids impulsive reactions.
Greater empathy: Easily perceives the emotions of others and listens without projecting her own patterns.
Moderate attachment: Detaches personal value from external opinions or material results.
3. Connection with people and nature:
Sense of unity: Feels a deep connection with others, animals or the Earth (e.g. rejects devastating consumerism).
Natural altruism: acts for the common good without expecting reward, by intuition.
Respect for vulnerability: They accept fragility as a common part of being human, not a weakness.
4. Alignment with our values:
Consistent choices: Her decisions (career, relationships) reflect her deepest convictions, even in the face of social pressure.
Rejection of comparison: She stops measuring herself against others, instead cultivating gratitude for what she has.
Priority to integrity: Even to the detriment of short-term comfort.
5. Acceptance of impermanence:
Welcoming change: She sees transitions (loss, the end of a relationship) as inevitable and enriching stages.
Letting go: She stops trying to control the unpredictable and focuses her energy on what she can influence.
Peace in the face of death: They internalise that finiteness gives meaning to existence.
6. Intellectual and spiritual curiosity:
Existential questioning: Explores subjects such as the meaning of life, consciousness and love.
Openness to paradoxes: It accepts that truth can be multiple (e.g. ‘love and get angry’, ‘freedom and responsibility’).
Rejection of dogma: Forges its own conclusions, combining reason and intuition.
7. Deliberate action and presence:
Intentional living: Lives with a clear direction, not out of routine or automatism.
Anchoring in the present moment: Enjoys the little things (breathing, walking) rather than dwelling on the future/past.
Ethical commitment: They take action to reduce their ecological or social impact.
In a nutshell:
Increased awareness translates into a liberation from the illusions of the egocentric self (fears, attachments, illusions of control) and a broader connection to the human being, to life and to the present moment. These signs are not milestones to be ticked off, but tendencies that develop progressively over time and with work on oneself.